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Sunday Evening Service

Our church family times combine singing, sharing and prayer.  We come together at 5pm to lift up our praise to God in song, generally singing a blend of traditional and contemporary music for fifteen minutes.  After one of our pastors leads us in a brief prayer, we hear announcements and share matters for prayer from both our corporate and individual lives, including things like evangelistic efforts, special needs, and birth and wedding announcements.  We then lift up our petitions and praises to God.

Once we’ve prayed together, a leader in the church gives a brief devotional on a biblical text relating to the morning’s message.  This passage is found in the Testament opposite that preached in the morning service.  These talks are weighted toward application in the life of the believer and the church.  The service concludes by singing a hymn and reflecting on God’s Word.  Fellowship usually follows as members take yet another time to talk and enjoy each other’s company.