This is my search section here


Why We Give

We give in order to show that God is worth more than our money.  We give in order to fuel the work of our church in our congregation, our city, and around the world.  Ultimately, we give because Jesus has given to us (2 Cor. 8:9).  Giving generously is a responsibility of every member of our church who is able--and may also be good financial stewardship for those who are already faithfully giving to their own churches.


Online Giving

You have the option of giving by credit card or e-check (ACH). CHBC incurs a 2.3% processing fee plus $.30 per transaction on all credit card donations and $.30 per e-check (ACH) donation. You will be given the option of including the processing fee with your gift. For questions about online giving, please contact Lauren Laster ( officemanager@capbap.org).

Give Online


Cash & Checks

1) Mail a check, payable to Capitol Hill Baptist Church (100% of your donation goes to CHBC).

Capitol Hill Baptist Church

525 A Street NE

Washington, DC 20002


2) Use your bank’s automatic bill pay feature to set up recurring payments to Capitol Hill Baptist Church at the address above.  (100% of your donation goes to CHBC.)


3) Give with cash or a check using the offering plate that's passed around at the Sunday morning service or the donations box in the church office.  (100% of your donation goes to CHBC.)



If you would like to donate stock or other securities please contact or have your broker contact Lauren Laster ( officemanager@capbap.org).