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Pastoral Internship

Dear Friend:

Thank you for inquiring about Capitol Hill Baptist Church’s internship program. As a church, we are committed to spending our lives responding to God’s Word. Therefore we seek lives characterized by public and private obedience, committed to sound teaching and living, devoted to seeing Christ formed in each other and dedicated to the task of sharing Christ with a lost world, We seek—by His grace—to be faithful to this task and to glorify Him each step along the way.

At CHBC, we have the privilege of equipping believers to faithfully serve God as he builds his Kingdom in and through the local church. But we understand that we also have a responsibility and opportunity to serve churches other than our own. The internship program at CHBC affords us the occasion to focus time, attention and resources on the training of future shepherds of Christ’s church throughout America and the world.

The purpose of the CHBC internship program is not to build and staff ministries within our own church. Rather, we seek to provide an opportunity for future pastors and church leaders to reflect on the nature of the church and pastoral ministry. As they observe a local church in practice and reflect on both the Scriptures and the writings of pastors and theologians who have thought carefully about the nature and calling of Christ’s bride, interns are able to consider what a healthy, biblical church looks like and their role within it as shepherd.

God has called Capitol Hill Baptist Church to meet in the city. This call began in 1867 and continues today. Our urban location will flavor your internship. Life at a growing church in the city, under a sovereign God, is never predictable, and the same can be said of a CHBC internship. However, what is predictable and unswerving is our commitment to each intern growing in his understanding of the sufficiency of Scripture and the priority of the local church in God’s redemptive purposes for the world. Therefore, every intern can expect to gain a practical understanding of the role of God’s Word in preaching and teaching, a Biblical view of church membership and a careful look at a covenanted congregational community.

Interns accepted into the program are expected to join the church, having signed our Statement of Faith and Church Covenant, and are offered housing and a stipend of $1300 per month. A limited number of spaces are open to married applicants. We usually admit six interns for each class. We do not offer a summer program—only Fall (August to December) and Spring (January to May) internships. Acceptance into and/or completion of the program in no way implies our affirmation of your sense of call, and interns should not expect future employment at CHBC.

If an internship at CHBC sounds of interest to you as a future pastor or church leader, please do not hesitate to contact us. Wherever the Lord leads you to serve, it is our prayer that He would be using all of us to prepare His bride for the return of the Bridegroom.

The Pastoral Staff