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Directions & Parking


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To Get Directions:
Click the map link above.  Click on the red marker that represents our location.  Then click on "Directions" in the upper left of the window that opens up.


  • From the Blue/Orange/Silver Lines: Exit at Eastern Market. Once out of metro, turn around and walk a block and a half to 6th Street SE. Turn right on 6th Street SE, which will become 6th Street NE when you cross East Capitol Street. The church is at the next intersection, A Street NE.
  • From the Red Line: Exit the red line at Union Station. Walk out to Massachusetts Avenue, continue to the left until you reach 4th St NE. Turn right on 4th St NE, walk straight until A St NE, and turn left on A St NE. Walk straight on A St and the church is between 5th St NE and 6th St NE.


The D6, 96, 97, 34, and 30S all serve the vicinity of the church building.

  • D6: exit at 6th & C NE.  Walk South on 6th Street NE to A Street NE.
  • 96/96: exit at 6th & East Capitol Streets.  Walk North on 6th Street NE to A Street NE.
  • 34/30A: exit at Pennsylvania Ave & North Carolina Ave.  Walk East on North Carolina, then left on 6th Street SE to A Street NE.

From George Washington University
During the academic year, we run shuttle service from George Washington University. Vans pick up at 9am and 10am at the Foggy Bottom Metro Station. Contact studentministry@capbap.org for weekly updates about shuttle availability.

Parking Information

Capitol Hill Baptist Church welcomes you to worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us each Sunday. While parking is available, as a city church, demand often exceeds supply. Here are a few issues to consider.

Street Parking
There are free parking spaces in the surrounding blocks that do not have time limits. Please be considerate of our neighbors in where and how you park, being protective of our reputation with them. In particular, please keep three items in mind:

  • Parking illegally is not only wrong, but can endanger the safety of church attenders and neighbors (for example, by blocking visibility of pedestrians at intersections).
  • Note that sometimes neighbors post paper “Emergency No Parking” signs. You can be towed away if you park in one of these spots.
  • If your vehicle must idle outside the church building (for example, to pick up family members), please ensure that you do not block traffic, and please idle only on the side of the street closest to the church building.

Parking Lots
We have two parking lots:

  • Large lot: 5th Street NE entrance
  • Small lot: A Street NE entrance

There are no specially designated visitors or members lots – all can park in either lot.

In addition, members and visitors can park in the lot at Peabody Elementary School on Sundays (morning service only).  The entrance to the Peabody lot is a block and a half North of the church on 5th Street NE, between Constitution Ave and Stanton Park.  You will see the entrance to the lot immediately to the South of the school building.  The lot opens at 10am on Sunday morning, is locked during service, opens immediately after service, and closes 30 minutes after the Sunday morning service finishes. If your car is left after the lot is closed, it may be locked in and towed.

Double Parking (Any parking which blocks someone else from exiting)
Regular spaces in each lot are typically filled 20-30 minutes before each service. If the regular parking spaces in a lot are filled, a parking lot manager will direct you to double park. In the event you need to double-park:

  • You will be asked to text a service number with your car model and color, you will then receive an automated text to that same number after service as a reminder to move your car. All numbers and text information are permanently deleted immediately after service and no records are kept.
  • If you are double parked and are near the lot entrance, it is especially important that you move your car immediately following the end of the service.
  • If you are double parked and have children, please consider having one spouse retrieve the car while the other picks up the children.

Parking Lot Closure
Parking lots close either 15 minutes after the start of each service or when lots become full. Signs are placed in the lots indicating when lots are closed. Please do not move this sign or park in the lot when it is closed, even if you think you see empty spaces.

Special Needs Parking
Both parking lots have two spaces each for special needs visitors. Once double parking begins, the space may be taken. To have access to these spaces, plan to arrive before 10:15 AM for the morning service, and before 4:45 PM for the evening service. Should you need assistance, please call the church office at 202-543-6111.The parking lot manager will seek to assist you as necessary. Please note that the special needs spaces and double parking spaces are about the same distance from the church entrances.

Seasonal Variations to Parking Lot Demand
The highest demand for spaces in our lots occurs between December through March. During those months, the lots will typically be full by the start of each service.

Why All these Parking Guidelines?
Parking can seem like a very mundane task—and yet a few moments of forgetfulness can lead to resentment or tension that threatens unity within our church and our witness to the community. With your cooperation, we can demonstrate to one another and to our community that God’s holiness has implications for things as seemingly mundane as parking.