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    Apr 14, 2019

    Class 6: Panel Discussion on Fear of Man

    Series: Fear of Man

    Category: Core Seminars, Fear & Anxiety, Humility, Pride, Repentance


    Questions for each of the panelists:


    1. How do you tend to struggle with the fear of man—3 categories we’ve looked at: fear of physical harm, fear of rejection, and fear of being exposed.
    2. How do you seek to live in the fear of the Lord? How do you repent of fear of man in your life?
    3. How have you seen your sin in this area affect both yourself and those around you?
    4. How do you see the world, the flesh and the devil encouraging you to fear man more than the Lord?
    5. How do you see pride contributing to a wrong view of others and yourself? What do you do to put on humility, particularly as it relates to your relationship to others opinions?