Class 1: Diversity? Unity? For God's Sake!
Introduction Quick show of hands: how many of you know Bill and Claudia Anderson? ...
Class 2: How God Builds Unity and Diversity
Introduction Last week Jamie taught us about God’s purposes for unity and diversity in the...
Class 3: The Image of God in Our Unity & Diversity
I. Introduction Now, I know this is core seminar, but it’s gonna feel like Praise Factory for a...
Class 4: God’s Purposes for Similarity in the Church
I. Introduction So far in this class, we’ve been talking about unity in diversity in the local...
Class 5: Counsel for Christians in the Minority
I. Introduction Good morning, everybody! Last week Jamie talked about God’s purposes for...
Class 6: Counsel for Christians in the Majority
I. Introduction Good morning! For the last two weeks of this class, we’ve going to look at...
Class 7: Working Through Disunity
I. Introduction Does anyone know what the Hagia Sofia is? [collect some factoids]. When I was...