Class 1: Stewardship
Stewardship PRAYER I.  ...
Class 2: Faithfulness
Faithfulness PRAYER I.  ...
Class 3: Giving
PRAYER I. Introduction Some of you are old enough to remember a band...
Class 4: Spending
Spending PRAYER I.  ...
Class 5: Debt & Saving
Debt and Savings PRAYER I.  ...
Class 6: Materialism
I. Introduction In Matthew 19, we read about a...
Class 7: Panel
Panel Q&A PRAYER Welcome back to the 7th week of the Stewardship core seminar. ...
Class 8: God's Purposes for Rest
God’s Purposes for Rest PRAYER I.  ...
Class 9: Stewarding Our Time
Stewarding Our Time PRAYER I. Introduction Good morning, and welcome to this...
Class 10: God's Purposes for Our Health
God’s Purposes for Our Health PRAYER Introduction Good...
Class 11: Stewarding Poor Health
Stewarding Poor Health PRAYER Introduction Last week we looked at...
Class 12: Stewarding Skill
Stewarding Your Skills PRAYER Introduction Welcome to the second-to-last...
Class 13: Idolatry
Idolatry – The Enemy of...