Class 2: The Ministry of the Family
[Teacher Notes: This lecture is the second half of a two-part introduction started in week one. The aim of...
Class 3: Family Worship - Laying the Foundation for Heart-Centered Parenting
PRAY Introduction We have now spent a couple weeks considering the ministry of the family. We have seen...
Class 4: Getting to the Heart of Behavior
Introduction In the course thus far, we’ve seen that Christianity is inherently familial. The...
Class 5: Formative Discipline: Our Words to Their Hearts
Summary of last week’s Getting to the Heart of Behavior: The scripture teaches that the heart is...
Class 6: Obedience 101 - What Do You Do When You Can’t Get to the Heart?
Overview What have we been learning? Last week….. Biblical Communication. We are living souls...
Class 7: The Rod of Correction
Christian pastor Tedd Tripp and his family were hosting his friend Nick after church one Sunday, and...
Class 8: Gender in the Home: Boys and Fatherhood
CHBC Core Seminars Parenthood Week 8 Fatherhood & Raising...
Class 9: Gender in the Home: Girls and Motherhood
Introduction If you saw the commercial, I’ll bet you can sing along: “I can bring home...
Class 10: The Teen Years
CHBC Core Seminars Parenthood Week 10 The Teen...
Class 11: Panel Discussion
Introduction If you saw the commercial, I’ll bet you can sing along: “I can bring home the...
Class 12: Children, Technology, and Social Media
Children, Technology & Social Media CHBC Parenthood Class Introduction “Electronic...
Class 13: The Gospel and the Overzealous Parent
Introduction Have you ever heard it said that kids don’t come with an instruction manual? Actually...