New Testament Overview
Class 1: Introduction: The Covenant Kingdom
Introduction In Luke 4:14-19, the gospel writer describes Jesus returning from his temptation in the...
Class 2: Hebrews: The Kingdom Comes
“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and...
Class 3: Gospels & Acts Introduction: The Supremacy of the King
Introduction Great figures make for great stories. And they require great stories...
Class 4: Matthew: The Promised King
Introduction Mohammad, the Buddha, Confucius, Abraham, Moses…when people think of...
Class 5: Mark: The Servant King
What kind of king is Jesus? While we in the United States don’t live under a monarchy , we are all...
Class 6: John: The Divine King
Introduction The Christian faith is built on a simple logical sequence. A man named Jesus...
Class 7: Luke: The Savior King
We are all geared to belong. Since the beginning of time, people have desired to be a part of something: a...
Class 8: Acts: The Kingdom Expands
Introduction As we get started, just a word about the purpose for this core seminar. The...
Class 9: Paul: Introduction
If you were in charge of approving missionaries for some mission agency, what kind of person would you...
Class 10: Romans: The Subjects of the Kingdom
"At last meditating day and night, by the mercy of God, I began to understand that the righteousness of...
Class 11: 1 Corinthians: The Foolishness of the Kingdom
There’s a lot of discussion at our church about what makes a healthy church. Expositional preaching...
Class 12: 2 Corinthians: The Weakness of the Kingdom
It was 1960 and John F. Kennedy was in a heated battle for the presidency with Richard Nixon. And on...
Class 13: Philippians: The Fellowship of the Kingdom
By now, we’ve explored enough of Paul’s letters that we’ve seen a general pattern. ...
Class 14: 1 Timothy
I Timothy: Servant Leaders of the Kingdom How often do we really remember the losers? So...
Class 15: Titus
Titus: Characteristics of a Gospel-centered church Introduction: If...
Session 16: 2 Timothy
Some of the most memorable words a leader speaks are those given in a farewell address. A lifetime or...
Class 17: Ephesians
“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” That’s how...
Class 18: Colossians & Philemon
Good morning! You’ve found yourself in the New Testament overview class this morning, where we...
Class 19: Galatians
The Enemies of the Kingdom - Legalism: The Book of Galatians Introduction All...
Class 20: James
The Wisdom of the Kingdom: James Wisdom, from a biblical perspective, is not the mere possession...
Class 21: 1 Peter
1 Peter: Suffering in the Kingdom In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said to his disciples...
Class 22: 2 Peter & Jude: Perseverance in the Midst of Falsehood
Introduction & Purpose: False Teaching “Among You” One of my favorite...
Class 23: 1, 2, and 3 John
The Love of the Kingdom: 1, 2, 3 John Introduction When asked what was the greatest command...
Class 24: 1 Thessalonians
Introduction In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us how to pray using these words, “Our Father...
Class 25: 2 Thessalonians
Introduction, Background and...
Class 26: Revelation
Hope is an incredibly powerful thing.What we hope in demonstrates what we value;it drives our...