Class 1: The Goal of Missions: The Glory of God
Welcome. I. Defining Missions: State: You have found yourself in the CHBC core seminar class on...
Class 2: The Glory of God and the Goal of Creation: A Biblical Theology of Missions
Main idea: “God blessing the nations through Christ.” Class goals: Lord willing, by better...
Class 3: Is Jesus the Only Way to God? The Necessity of Conscious Faith in Christ.
Main idea: The necessity of conscience faith in Christ to avoid God’s punishment and wrath displays the...
Class 4: The Role of the Local Church in Missions
Today we’re dipping our toes into the strategy of missions – how does the Bible say we “do missions”?...
Class 5: Supremacy of God in Missions Through Suffering and Prayer
Today we’re considering the doctrine of suffering. Particularly interested in suffering as a result of...
Class 6: History of Modern Missions
Main idea: The gospel advances through the faith-filled afflictions of missionaries who treasure Christ...
Class 7: Trends in Modern Missions
Today, we’re going to examine three shifts in modern missions that took place in the twentieth century...
Class 8: Challenges in Modern Missions: Contextualization and Gospel Proclamation
Class goals ● Address challenges of communicating the gospel cross-culturally and the need for language...
Class 9: Short-term Missions
Today, we want to consider one specific way we live out that commitment of furthering the advancement of...
Class 10: Doing Missions in a Restricted-Access Country
Manuscript to be uploaded shortly
Class 11: Taking the Gospel Around the World from Here at Home
Today we want to think about doing cross-cultural ministry here. How can we take part in the work of...
Class 12: Am I Called?
This week we’re thinking about the question— “Am I Called?” and about the next steps we should take...
Class 13: CHBC's Vision for Missions
Today we’ll talk about this local church’s vision for missions.