Class 1: The Purpose, Power, and Paradox of Marriage
Today, we’re going to be spending our time in Genesis 1 and 2 where God first gives us marriage, and we’ll...
Class 2: The Shape of Marriage
This is what we'll consider today: husband and wife will follow distinct paths in their pursuit of oneness...
Class 3: Marriage and Sin
Today, we’ll walk through Genesis chapter 3 and apply it to marriage.
Class 4: Beauty in a Fallen World
Marriage Core Seminar Class#4: Beauty in a Fallen World Introduction Good morning...
Class 5: Grace and Forgiveness
This morning, we’ll begin by considering what grace is. Then we’ll look at one of its poisonous...
Class 6: Communication
What we’ll do for the rest of today’s class is to look through three basic purposes that we see in...
Class 7: Conflict
Our goal today is to think biblically about marital conflict. I’ll start by using what we’ve already...
Class 8: Sex in Marriage
This morning I’d like to answer one key question: “what is sex in marriage?” And then we’ll examine some...
Class 9: Money
Marriage gurus say that the “big three” in conflict are sex, parenting, and money. Why do husbands and...
Class 10: Marriage and Children
It’s amazing how few books on marriage mention children. Yet having children is not only one of the...
Class 11: Infertility
This week we want to consider the topic of infertility -- what if we can’t have children? What if our...
Class 12: The End of the Dream
In all three of these categories—divorce, disillusionment, death—we need to keep the purpose of marriage...
Class 13: Panel
Marriage Class Panel Week 13 Goals: (1) To model godly marriages; which means the choices of who you...