Living as a Church
Class 1: Unity
I. Introduction Good morning and welcome to the first of 13 classes we’ll have on our life together...
Class 2: Membership
I. Introduction I’d like to begin with a question. How is the commitment we make to other people at...
Class 3: Diversity
I. Introduction Many of you may know a member of our church named Bill Anderson. Bill started visiting...
Class 4: Preaching and Prayer
I. Introduction Open with a question for the class: what are examples of the supernatural at work in the...
Class 5: Governance
I. Introduction WELCOME/PRAY I want to begin by asking you all a question about who makes the decisions...
Class 6: Church Fellowship
I. Introduction Acts 2:42 says that the early Christians “devoted themselves to the apostles&rsquo...
Class 7: Discontentment Within the Church
I. Introduction Discontentment is something we all struggle with at one time or another, and...
Class 8: Church Leadership
I. Introduction Today we consider church leadership, and specifically the interaction between the...
Class 9: Church Discipline
I. Introduction A central theme running through this class is the tension between God’s grand...
Class 10: Encouragement
I. Introduction (Welcome, Prayer) Encouragement. It’s a good thing. As Christians, we know...
Class 11: Serving and Giving
I. Introduction This morning, we turn to the topic of serving and giving to the church. By serving or...
Class 12: Corporate Worship
I. Welcome/Prayer - Introduction One of the beautiful aspects of God’s work in saving his church is...
Class 13: Evangelism
I. Introduction Evangelical Christians today often see evangelism as 100% the job of the church or 100%...