Class 1: What Is Discipling?
If you have been a Christian for very long you have probably heard words like “disciple” and...
Class 2: Why Disciple?
IntroductionWhy would you want to disciple someone? Because you have to, i.e. you feel it is an...
Class 3: Overcoming Barriers & Excuses
Basic idea:We’ve thought about what discipling generally looks like, and have seen that Jesus calls...
Class 4: The Importance of Holiness
Introduction: Brief Review of First 3 WeeksLet’s start with a brief reminder of what we having been...
Class 5: Discipling in the Local Church
IntroductionOver the last four weeks we have thought a great deal about the topic of discipleship. We have...
Class 6: Encouraging Careful Bible Study
Once again, welcome to the CORE seminar on discipling, where we’re spending 13 weeks looking at how...
Class 7: Encouraging Biblical Prayer
Today, we’re going to talk about: (1) The importance of prayer; (2) Helping others to pray regularly...
Class 8: Using Christian Books in Discipling
I. WHY USE CHRISTIAN BOOKS IN DISCIPLING? Why would we even consider using any other book than the Bible...
Class 9: Encouraging a Passion for Evangelism & Missions
Today we are going to cover the topics of evangelism and missions. With our limited time, we are barely...
Class 10: Discipling People who Are Hurting
IntroductionPicture these situations: • A close friend calls, his wife just died in a tragic...
Class 11: Biblical Accountability
IntroductionPicture these scenarios: • Jonathan struggles with internet pornography, but is ashamed...
Class 12: Hazards & Joys of Discipling
I. IntroductionSadly, this is the last class of the Core seminar on Discipling. I hope that you are...