Church History
Class 1: Survival and Resistance - The Patient Growth of the Early Church, 49-312
Main Point: Despite persecutions from without, and divisions from within, Christianity emerged as an...
Class 2: Constantine, Councils, and Creeds (313-451)
Main Point: ● Through a series of challenges to biblical doctrine, churches would confirm the Bible’s...
Class 3: Augustine & the Fall of the Roman Empire (303-430)
Main Point: ● During a period of political turmoil and instability, one of the most influential Christian...
Class 4: Developing Doctrine & Making Distinctions: Middle Ages I (800-1274)
Main Point: ● During these years, churches faced a number of changes and challenges to orthodox belief as...
Class 5: Doctrinal Decay & Seeds of Reform: The Middle Ages II (900-1415)
Main Point: ● In the Late Middle Ages, a series of official doctrines of Rome undermined the work of...
Class 6: Reformation Unleashed: Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli (1483- 1546)
Main Point: ● The Protestant Reformation recovered the supremacy of Scriptures as the true center of...
Class 7: Reformation Contested: Calvin and the Council of Trent (1509-1564)
Main Point: ● Despite the clarity of the Reformational doctrines as taught by John Calvin, the Roman...
Class 8: English Reformation & Puritanism (1520-1689)
Main Point: ● The English reformation began with the translation of the Bible into English. Such work...
Class 9: The Early English and American Baptists (1609-1988)
Main Point: ● Emerging in the context of Puritanism, Baptists began practicing believer’s baptism as an...
Class 10: Awakenings in America (1662-1875)
Main Point: ● Amid many ecclesiological differences and tensions revival spread through the American...
Class 11: The Modern Missions Movement (1792-1910)
Main Point: ● Since the days of William Carey, bringing the gospel to unreached peoples around the world...
Class 12: The Rise and Response to Theological Liberalism (1799-1929)
Main Point: ● Theological liberalism is a different religion than Christianity because it is based on the...