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How can I help in children's ministry?

Volunteer Roles

We have several ways you can serve. By separating roles and schedules we balance consistency for the kids with spiritual shepherding/feeding of our volunteers.

  1. Visitor Check-in volunteers serve at the 2nd floor childcare desk helping visiting families check in and locate child classrooms.  They serve once every 4 weeks, from 9:15-10:15 am.
  2. Nursery Team Leaders serve on a morning or evening service team, once every 4 weeks. They oversee the main tasks of childcare organization: volunteer room assignments, maintain adult/child room ratios, ensure adequate supplies, & direct caregivers and hall monitors in the performance of their tasks.
  3. Caregivers are nursery volunteers for children aged pre-K and below. They serve on a morning or evening service team, once every 4 weeks. They perform the basic tasks of childcare: watching kids, playing games, reading stories, giving snacks, changing diapers, doing potty breaks, etc.
  4. Hall Monitors serve on the same teams as caregivers; they patrol the childcare areas and public spaces in the church to ensure the physical safety of the children. They also step into the class when other volunteers take kids on potty breaks.
  5. Sunday School Teachers serve during Core Seminar hour, assigned to one class for an entire school year--they serve one month per quarter.
  6. Morning & Evening Service Teachers serve on teams for one specific class (grade school ages); they serve each Sunday of 2 non-consecutive months in a year.
  7. Extra Helpers serve on an ad hoc basis as back-up and supplemental volunteers (e.g., Special Needs Buddies, Baby Brigade, etc.)

Training is provided for each of the roles to equip you as a volunteer to become a fruitful part of children’s ministry at CHBC.

Here’s how to get involved:

Step 1:    Complete a volunteer application

Step 2:    Childcare training: either in-person or online—two formats available, slides or video.

Step 3:    Once you have been a member of the church for 6 months and your application has been approved, you are eligible to serve.

There are other ways to serve that do not require 6-month membership eligibility:

  • Visitor check-in: help visitors get checked in and find their classrooms (we give you training for this).
  • Periodic toy cleaning
  • Periodic classroom and resource room clean-up

No matter what level of experience you have, we invite you to prayerfully consider serving the church through Children’s Ministry.