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    Apr 03, 2022

    Class 13: Panel

    Series: Marriage

    Category: Core Seminars, Family, Children, Marriage, Parenting


    Marriage Class Panel

    Week 13

    Goals: (1) To model godly marriages; which means the choices of who you put up front matters.  Pick godly couples!  (2) To give real life examples of things that we have talked about in the class.  So the questions reflect the material taught in the class.


    To the panelists:  Not everyone will have to answer every question.  I will just put the questions out there, and see whoever chooses to answer it.  Be careful of statements like, “We’ve got a great marriage” or “He is really easy to follow.”  If that is true, be honest and tell folks, but remember how struggling couples will hear a statement like that and feel like you can’t relate to them.  So, be honest about your weaknesses, so that couples who are struggling won’t feel isolated.  In a fallen world, every couple has struggles. 


    1. Introductions
      1. How did you meet, quick story of your relationship
      2. What was one thing that most attracted each of you to the other?
    2. On marriage generally
      1. We’ve talked in this class about how we’re often tempted to value marriage based on what it produces (companionship, kids, sex, ministry, and so forth) whereas God values it mainly because of what it portrays—how it helps us see and show God’s goodness. When in your marriage have you had to be reminded of this truth and why?
    3. On leading your wife…
      1. To the Men: Talk about leading in a marriage.  What have been the joys and what have been the struggles?
      2. To the couple: How the husband’s leadership has changed ever since you first got married?  
    4. On following your husband…
      1. To the wives: We’ve talked about the goal of making vulnerability safe in marriage. How has your husband done that well, and where has he struggled?
      2. To the couple: How has her following her husband has changed ever since you first got married?
    5. Biblical and Unbiblical communication
      1. What have you learned about good communication since you got married?
      2. Wives: What do you do when you know he’s wrong—do you nag? Pray? Speak up?   
      3. What does it look like for you to make a significant decision together?
      4. Conflict resolution #1: What has helped you to handle conflict better in your marriage?
      5. Conflict resolution #2: When forgiveness happens between the two of you, what does it look like? Who initiates?
    6. The Blessings of Children (for a couple with children)
      1. When did you decide to have children?
      2. How has your marriage changed as a result of being parents?
      3. Why are you glad you had kids?
    7. Miscellaneous
      1. Are there any struggles in your marriage you like to share with us?
      2. Tell us about your devotional life – both individually and together?
      3. How has being a member of this church (or another gospel preaching church prior to CHBC) been a help to your marriage?


    1. Questions from the class.